Projects with us.
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We are currently working on several projects to drive new technology standards and deliver the best possible contactless identity solutions.
Ongoing Projects
NiVal, started in Mar 2024
The NIST Validator (NIVal) project is a software project where IDloop develops a software solution where National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) files, in particular European Entry-Exit System files (EES) and VIS databases, can be generated, and both syntactically and semantically, validated. The resulting software has GUI and CLI interfaces and only open-source components are used in development. NIVal can be used as both a standalone and as an easily integrated solution.
Stereoscan, started in Sept 2023
The project involves the development of a fingerprint scanner for the contactless recording of rolled fingerprints. While retaining the installation space, the fingerprint data will be available according to the FBI standard ABTS with Appendix F.
Cast, started in Mar 2023
As part of the EIC project ‘cast’, a product for contactless fingerprint capture using optical 3D technology is to be brought to market maturity. The technology is designed to capture the microscopic ridge and valley structure of the human finger in full 3D, enabling clear differentiation between the ridges and valleys of the fingerprint while ensuring interoperability with contact-based fingerprint scanners that only scan the ridges in 2D.
This interoperability enables access to the government biometrics market, where compatibility with existing databases is a must.
QuaPik , started in Feb 2023
The QuaPik (Qualitäts- und Prüfmetriken) project consists of four interwoven subprojects. Project one is a development of a test methodology for rolled fingerprints, project two is the development and construction of an automated device for capturing fingerprints, project three is a development of a test methodology for contactless fingerprint capturing while project four is a development of a test methodology for 2D/3D camera systems.
The work lays a scientific and application-oriented foundation for future testing strategies of biometric devices such as contact-based fingerprint scanners, smartphones, 3D contactless fingerprint scanners, e-gates and kiosk solutions for face recognition.
IDloop GmbH
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1a
07745 Jena | Germany
+49 (0)3641 55405 0

Co-funded by the Free State of Thuringia
As part of the consulting guidelines of the Free State of Thuringia, IDloop GmbH receives funding for consulting and process support. These support strategies for the development and sustainable positive development and safeguarding of SMEs. The resulting findings and recommendations for action are recorded in a consultancy report. Funding is provided by the European Social Fund Plus and the Free State of Thuringia.

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